Does Doordash Hire Felons?

Yes, Doordash hires felons. The company’s only listed requirements for employment are age, legality for driving on the street and a mode for transporting deliveries. Therefore, a felony is not a significant reason for hire or disqualification. However, a background check for each applicant is carried out by the company before hiring any staff. This background check ascertains the duration within which the felony was committed, other records and the general history of the recruit.

Specific to the niche covered by the company, certain past offences might be considered more grave than others. Issues like; driving without a license, driving under the influence, or using a suspended license.

Do Felons Get Hired?

 A felon is one guilty of a serious crime. Although the past is not a good indicator of the present, very few companies attempt to ruffle their reputation by hiring felons. However, Doordash is one company that preaches inclusivity and practices this by creating a safe space for these people who might have had criminal issues in the past.

Inclusivity ensures that everyone, regardless of race, gender, culture and past, can find impactful existence within their space. Therefore, felons get hired but must search for these companies with the presence of mind to hire them. However, most companies are careful to carry out background checks to avoid hiring someone who is on trial or performed the act of a felony within the space of 7 years.

In hiring individuals who might have committed a felon, certain advantages can be unlocked, some of them are;

Employee Loyalty:

This is one advantage usually enjoyed by organisations brave enough to hire a felon. Aware of the limitations attached to their records, these individuals having cases of felony tend to be knowledgeable and more appreciative of life in general. They stay long-term with companies willing to take a chance on them despite their wrong records.

Hard-working individuals:

Ex-felons are known for their hard work and dedication to tasks. Usually, these individuals are aware of how society views them and the imbalance in the workspace. That is why when given the opportunity to demonstrate reformation or hard work, take it willingly, reducing the chances of reoffending.

Are There Tips For Applying to Doordash With a Felony Record?

 Doordash is known for its inclusivity. It is one company that makes it easy for individuals to earn an income doing respectable work regardless of past errors and mistakes. There are very few known restrictions by the company towards hiring felons and as such makes it a great place to start for anyone looking for a place to apply with a felony record. Some general tips during application include;

  1. Be open and honest about the past:

Shame should be the last thing on your mind during an application. Be ready to own your story and mistakes no matter how ugly. Be truthful to recruiting team, giving clarity and most importantly, demonstrating a willingness to grow and evolve in a positive direction.

  1. Speak more about the future and the change you hope to contribute:

Do not dwell so much on the past. Ensure that during an interview phase, you point out your intentions for creating lasting change in the future. Make recruiters know that your past does not define the future.

  1. If you are not selected, look elsewhere:

Never give up on the search. In the case of a rejection, it is best to avoid spending time brooding or worrying over the company’s decision. Instead, search for other organisations. Some known companies willing to hire individuals with records of felony include; Apple Inc, AT&T, Bridgestone, Canon, Danes, Fruit of the Loom, Duracell, and several others.


Doordash remains one of the few companies willing to offer an inclusive space to all people. Its relaxed laws towards individuals with a felony record show support and an understanding that people are more than their pasts. Working for a company such as Doordash can be a great way to ease back into the workspace.

  1. How long does it take the company to complete a background check for new applicants


It takes about 3-5 days to complete the background check.

  1. How far back does the background check go?


The company, Doordash, goes as far back as 7 years in conducting a background check on a potential hire.