Plasma is a blood suspension, formed by a combination of various types of proteins and other human body constituents. Plasma can be donated for a value of approximately $1,000 per annum depending on the number of donation sessions and qualifying standards. 

What is Plasma? 

A human body is made up of 55% plasma other that the RBCs, WBCs, Proteins, Enzymes, and nutrients. Its composition is 90% water which allows multiple nutrients, cells, and other substances which are vital for the human body to transport without any complexity. Apart from the smooth transportation of vital cells and components in the body, plasma protects the Immune system and safeguards the human body from any external infection or virus. In case of serious injuries and excessive blood loss plasma rapidly clots the blood to minimize the loss substantially. Shielding the body from diseases, plasma mainly contributes to lessening the effect of any basic or chronic disease, limiting its severity for quick recovery and minimal loss.

 Types of Plasma: 

Further divided into two subcategories, plasma is either transfused through the process of fractionation or treated as it is with standard purification. 

Source Plasma

 Source plasma is extracted by conducting the process of “Plasmapherises”.For this process, Healthy voluntary donors donate their plasma for further manufacturing through the process of fractionation. After fractionation, the plasma is converted into therapies. These therapies are highly useful to cure patients with rare and chronic diseases such as hemophilia, genetic lung disease, and serious immunodeficiencies. On a primary level, these therapies are substantially used in the treatments of severe burns, trauma, and shocks. 

Recovered Plasma:

 In this type, the donor is not instructed to go for a specialized procedure but to donate plasma through simple extraction. For further procedure, plasma is separated from its cellular composition. Depending on the usage and demand if need to be, then this kind of plasma goes through fractionation for therapies and severe recovery cases. 

Why Donate Plasma for Money?

 To avoid any financial tribulation, professionals belonging to different cultures, ethnicity, and tradition look for earning opportunities to stabilize their living standards. In a vast marketplace of competing firms, it is difficult to survive the monopolistic competencies and socio-economic factors. After all employment stability requires an immaculate amount of time, effort, and luck. Whereas the donation of plasma is either for humanitarian purposes or to earn a decent amount of money. Depending on the weight of the donor, on an average one sitting of plasma donation can earn the donor an amount of $50 – $75.On the completion of the first donation session, the donors are sometimes awarded bonuses to boost their motivation for upcoming plasma donation sessions. It is up to the donor to donate with an increased frequency for a better payback. 

Plasma Donation Procedure

 The medical procedure of donating plasma has qualifying standards and varying steps that have to be followed for safety issues of the donor and the receiver. The health standards of a donor include their weight and tendency of donating a fixed amount of plasma. Thorough and basic medical tests are run on donors to screen them for any pre-existing major diseases. Again for precautionary measures the donor is checked for any transmissive diseases that can affect the receiver on the other end. Following is the list of health standards that are keenly ticked or crossed depending on the donor’s health condition.

Plasma donors should be adults crossing the age of 18 so they can decide on their own. Their body weight should be 50 Kilograms on a minimum or more than that. The donors must pass the medical examination test. The medical examination test consists of ticking the list of contagious, chronic, or severe health issues/diseases/conditions.  The donor must pass the extensive “Medical history screening test” to proceed further.  The donor must follow a planned diet with an intake of 50 – 80 grams of protein every day. These are some of the steps that are mandatory for donors to follow before becoming eligible for donating plasma.  

Frequency of Donating Plasma:

 A potential donor can donate plasma only 13 times in a year according to “The American Red Cross”, but a lot of plasma banks promote multiple donation sessions within the period of a year. The reason for the high demand for plasma is that it is used with high priority for medicinal and treatment purposes in abundance. Therefore instead of limiting the donors to come just about 13 times a year, plasma banks encourage more frequent plasma donation sessions for greater medicinal production.


 Plasma donation has multivarying benefits. There is no harm in charging for donating a naturally occurring tissue fluid that holds immense value for the treatment of millions of patients around the world. The secret to donating plasma frequently is to keep a check on the medical condition and eat protein potency meals for frequent plasma donation. The money in turn can be utilized to take care of expenses and earn a decent amount of money 

Q: Is it ethical to donate plasma for money?

A: plasma holds a value for medicinal and healthcare purposes and therefore there’s no harm in earning from a valuable source. 

Q: Is there a procedure to follow before donating plasma?

A: Plasma donation requires mandatory medical screening of the donor before he/she qualifies to donate plasma

Q: Can there be more than 13 Plasma donation sessions in a year?A: Yes! Depending on the health condition of the donor, many plasma banks allow more than 13 sessions as it is high in demand.

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