Since 185 items are currently on sale on PSN, we won’t cover them all below. However, we will highlight some of the better and more popular deals available.
The “Games Under $20 Sale” is live until February 5 at 11:00 a.m. EDT. If you happened to miss out on Sony’s Holiday Sale, then now is the perfect time to burn that Christmas cash on new PS4 games for your library.
Games such as Grand Theft Auto 5 aren’t as cheap as we’ve ever seen them, but if you’ve somehow still not taken the plunge, 50% off is a pretty good deal if you have the dosh.
From Resident Evil 7 to Rayman: Legends, The Outer Wilds and XCOM 2, head over to the PlayStation Store to see the entire list in alphabetical order. Stay tuned to GameSkinny for more sales info as we come across it.