Dog walking is a growing industry and it’s a very flexible job. Dog walkers can work for themselves, or they can get hired by dog daycare centres or kennels. Some people even hire themselves out as personal assistants to take their dogs on walks at all hours of the day!
Making Full-Time Salary With Enough Clients
Working with animals is also great exercise and something that most people enjoy doing anyway—you’ll be rewarded by the physical activity alone! And since you’re not responsible for training or grooming your charges (they are trained professionals), there are no worries about getting bitten or injured while working with them at home.
It’s very possible to make a career out of dog walking, although it can be very stressful and demanding, especially when finding dog owners that can hire you regularly, and talkless about walking dogs every single day.
If you’re interested in making this happen, here are some tips:
Pay Rate Of Dog walkers
Most dog walkers have their rates, but there’s a range. In the end, it’s all down to you to decide how much you want to charge for your dog walking service. Many dog walkers set their rates, but there’s a range. In some areas, the average dog walk cost is $15 per hour; in others, it can be as high as $30 per walk.
The amount you charge will depend on your area and what type of services you offer—or if you have any special skills that make your services more valuable (for instance, if you train dogs). If a client needs medication administration or other specific care for their pet while they’re away at work all day, they might pay more than someone who just wants regular walks with their dog every day during normal hours.
Supplies Needed For Dog Walkers
As a dog walker, there are specific supplies you need. You’ll need a bag, collar, leash, harness, muzzle, and raincoat for the dog. You’ll also want poop bags and a dispenser.
Pros And Cons Of Being An Independent Dog Walker
As an independent dog walker, you are self-employed and not an employee of any company. Therefore:
You are ineligible for benefits such as health insurance or retirement plans. The business cannot dictate when and where to work—you are in charge of your schedule and can choose any time during each day when to take your dog out.
Does Insurance Cover Dog Walkers?
Most Dog walking companies provide insurance coverage for dog walkers. This is a great way to ensure that your clients’ pets are protected, and it can also help with any potential injuries that occur while on the job.
What kind of insurance coverage is available?
Many companies offer basic health insurance coverage to their employees, which includes medical care and hospitalization costs in case of accidents or illness. Other companies provide more extensive coverage options such as life insurance policies or accidental death/dismemberment (AD&D) benefits.
These types of policies may cost extra but will provide additional peace of mind for both you and your clients if something happens while out walking dogs together!
How much does it cost?
It varies depending on what kind of policy you choose; however, most policies start at around $20 per month per employee (which includes all household members). If interested in learning more about these types of policies contact an agent from your dog walking company today!
Importance Of Joining A Company To Be A Dog Walker
You might be inclined to go it alone when it comes to dog walking, but consider whether joining a company is right for you. If you want a steady stream of clients and don’t want to manage your schedule, joining a company could be beneficial. And if you want the freedom to set your rates, going solo might be better for you.
If you’re looking for a dog walking job that pays well, it’s important to know how many dogs you’ll be walking and how much time each day. If you want to make money as a dog walker, you’ll want to find clients who can pay enough per visit so that your salary will cover living expenses and leave some left over for other things like health insurance or retirement savings plans.