Does YouTube TV have ads?

Yes, they do have pop-up ads while you watch your favorite shows or sports. Ads are one of the downfalls YouTube Tv has, it gets annoying as per estimated that to watch a one-hour video you have to go through at least 3 ads. Few people can have the patience to watch the second ad but few can not. The good news is, that you can now get rid of YouTube Tv ads by getting a YouTube Premium or by using your YouTube DVR. To keep up with the competition, YouTube had to accept a few policies like running ads, and why not, the commercials are important for a network as they are partly the things that support certain content. 

How to remove Ads From YouTube Tv? 

There are a few ways by which you can easily get rid of the Ads interrupting your shows and sports. 

1. Fast-Forward:

   The easiest way to skip an ad is to fast forward it, although it does not work on all Youtube Tv services. If your Tv’s website says typically fast-forward through ads on recorded programs once they have aired on live tv, that means you will be able to skip ads while others might show unable to skip ads.

2. DVR: 

   DVR records your shows in your DVR library so you can access them later. It helps ad recorded and when you play it later, you can fast forward it easily. There are somehow restrictions on this too, depending on the shows you recorded.

3. YouTube Premium:

   YouTube Premium is a member of YouTube Tv, a paid subscription service that helps you to watch your favorite YouTube videos add free. But you will still see ads in a few live shows. 

How to use the DVR feature on YouTube Tv?

Click on your favorite show that you want to record from your home page, by searching your favorite sports teams, or also by live stream sections, any videos you prefer. There will be a Plus icon “Add” underneath the video, clicking that will add your video to the library section. You will receive a message accordingly to the videos you saved and the future episodes or events of that show will also be recorded automatically into your library. To view your recorded videos, click on the Library tab, and you will come up with all your recorded videos. The live Tv recordings are available for 9 months in your library.

Why YouTube Tv features Ad?

The YouTube Ads are managed from the Google Ads Manager as Google owns YouTube. The ads help the creators gain money from Google Adsense, this Adsense makes money out from the largest platform in the world for ads called Google AdWords. The Google-related service has to make money somehow, and the best option is through Ads. Google earned about 60.7 billion in 2022, through ads. The average YouTube channel is expected to earn 18 US dollars per 1,000 ad views. 


YouTube Tv does have ads featuring in its channel, although there are ways to skip these ads through skip fast, DVR Tv feature, and YouTube premium subscription. Although few live streams and certain videos do not allow ad-skipping. The DVR is among the favorite feature of YouTube Tv subscribers, it helps record all your favorite shows in the library section and also helps skip forward the ads. The live TV recordings in DVR are only available for at least 9 months in your Library. Ads are important for the financial set ups for YouTube, it helps the creator to earn money and provide you will more useful and your favorite content. Ads are a good source of income for all the Google-based Social apps.

How to skip commercials on YouTube Tv DVR?

You can skip ads from the DVR recordings. Search for 30 skips in smart search, press the select button on all and you will see your recording jump forward to 30 secs preventing you from watching the ads.

How long does a show stay on YouTube Tv DVR?

The service is unlimited with a limited option which is all the live recordings expire after nine months.

How to get a subscription to YouTube TV premium?

Sign up for your google account, click the Get YouTube Premium and choose your plan accordingly. Choose google pay as your payment option and you are good to go.