Walmart is a huge corporation that sells millions of products in thousands of stores across the United States and internationally. The company employs 2.3 million people, which makes it the largest employer in the world with 1.5 million more employees than its competitor, McDonald’s. Walmart generates over $500 billion in revenue annually (Nelson). It is perhaps one of the most recognized brands in history. Walmart’s success has made it the target of many critical media reports, especially regarding its labor practices.
Walmart can be found in over 11,000 different locations all around the world. Walmart has become an essential part of many people’s lives. It offers convenience, cheap prices, and variety that only a large corporation could provide. When it comes to purchasing fresh meat, you might think of Walmart as your best resource. Walmart has begun offering halal chicken and beef in their stores. This is big news for Muslim consumers who have limited options when it comes to purchasing fresh Halal meats that are prepared according to Islamic dietary laws.
What is Halal meat?
Halal means Permissibility. Halal is a dietary concept in Islam that deals with what is permissible to eat and drink according to Islamic Law. Therefore, Halal food should be allowed by the other two basic tenets of Islam: The belief in One God and worshipping Him alone without associating others with Him (monotheism).
How to get Halal meat at Walmart?
Halal meat is a big deal in America, and the demand for halal meat at Walmart shows that. Walmart has been selling more and more halal meat in their stores each year since 2014, and they’ve received quite a positive response from customers on the quality of their halal meats. The best way to find halal meat at Walmart is to check the label. The label will tell you what kind of meat it is, how it was processed, and what ingredients were added to the product. This will give you an idea of whether or not that specific brand has any pork in their products or not.
Some helpful tips
If you go to the frozen section and look for King Soopers brand of meat, many of their products have a halal symbol on their packages. King Soopers brand meats have a huge variety of halal meat like chicken, beef, and turkey. They do not have all cuts but usually, they have a good amount of chicken breasts and some ground beef.
Some websites have been established to help Muslims find halal meat at Walmart. You can follow these step-by-step instructions to find halal meat at Walmart.
The halal meat industry in America
The halal meat industry in the United States is worth $2.25 billion, according to a 2012 study by IBISWorld, and it’s growing at about 4% per year. There are more than 5,000 halal-certified companies in the U.S., more than 20 times as many as there were two decades ago.
Halal meat is considered permissible under Islamic law because animals are slaughtered with a sharp knife by hand while conscious and facing Mecca; blood must be drained; no alcohol or other intoxicants may be used on or near the slaughtering area, etc.
Benefits of Halal meat
Halal meat is marketed as a healthier, cleaner, and more humane form of animal protein than regular meat. Halal certification has become one of the fastest-growing sectors in food retail.
Halal food is generally considered safe for consumption because the methods used to kill animals are humane and quick.
Halal food is generally considered cleaner than non-halal food since halal slaughter involves draining the blood from the carcass.
Halal meat contains all eight essential amino acids, making it a complete source of protein. Amino acids are necessary for tissue growth and repair, hormone production, strengthening immune systems, and more.
The halal diet is rich in vitamins and minerals that promote healthy skin, hair, nails, and eyes by helping to convert food into energy.
If you’re looking for halal meat at Walmart, don’t despair. There are plenty of options available to you. As a company, Walmart has been extremely open about its commitment to include a wide range of products and services for all people. The company even launched an Arabic language website in hopes that it would help them reach more customers around the world.
Also, they sell halal meat at various locations. Walmart sells a lot of halal meat, including beef and lamb. Halal meat must be prepared in a specific way, so the simplest way to find it is to look for the halal label. Halal meat is a great way to stay healthy and still enjoy meals that taste amazing. It’s also a good alternative for people who may have religious or ethical objections to eating meat from animals that weren’t slaughtered under their beliefs.