What position can you work in a Walmart at 16? How to apply for a job at Walmart? To know everything about the job and salary a 16-year-old will get at Walmart, make sure to read the entire article. 

Does Walmart Hire At 16?

Yes, you can get a job at Walmart while being a 16 year old. It is the minimum age required to be an employee at Walmart. The only thing that you have to do is fill out the application form accordingly and choose a position for yourself. You will receive your ways according to your job position and working hours. 

What job can a 16-year-old do at Walmart? (With Job Description + Required Skills)

There are many simple options for employment that Walmart has had for even 16 years old. Some of them are mentioned below with the job descriptions and skills required:- Job positionJob descriptionSkills requiredStockerManage the product display. Place required products on the shelf accordingly.Decent computing skills body flexibility and strengthCashierTo make the transactions between customers. Count, receive and return the required money.Appropriate Mathematical Skills Communication skillsCart managerManage and put shopping carts in the desired area. Keep the parking lot clear and clean.Good physical strength good stamina to stand for a long time

How much money can I make in Walmart at 16? 

Age doesn’t matter while walking at Walmart. The job salary that a person will get will not be different according to the person’s age. It does not depend on the age of a person working, sometimes a 25-year-old cannot work the way a 16-year-old can. So, the salary will only depend on the job position that you are working for. The average salary according to the job position for a 16-year-old at Walmart are mentioned below:- Job positionAverage Salary (per hour)Salary range (per hour)Stocker$13.86 $9 to $15Cashier$12.69 $8 to $14Cart manager$12.44$7 to $16

Eligibility Criteria for a job in Walmart for a 16-year-old

The eligibility criteria for getting a job at 16 in Walmart will differ from position to position. There can be different needs and requirements for a particular role that the others one does not require to assess. But the only eligibility criteria for getting a job at Walmart are existing as a 16-year-old individual. Other than that, the list of the job requirements and eligibility criteria according to the job roles are mentioned below in the table:- 

How To Apply For A Job In Walmart At 16?

To apply for a job at Walmart, you will have to fill out the application form available on the official website of the company. To do so, follow the steps mentioned below:- 

Open your web browser and search, “Walmart jobs”.  Open the first link that appears that is Walmart careers. Click on the option of “apply”.  Now register for yourself by creating an account.  Now you will have to select your state city and the job role that you are searching for.  Click on the option of “apply”.  Now attach a resume or apply manually.  As the next step, you will have to answer all the questions asked in the application form such as number, email ID, previous job information, etc.  Click on submit.  

That’s it! The application process for Walmart is finished. You will be informed by the company regarding your selection or rejection in one or two weeks. 


In conclusion, Yes, Walmart does hire 16-year old. They are the largest employer in the United States since 2020. Working at Walmart can be an amazing experience, especially at such a young age. Walmart provides a lot of experience and knowledge about the working field. Also, it will let you enjoy the money that you made for yourself and by yourself. 

How long can a 16-year-old work at Walmart? 

A 16-year-old can work at Walmart for about 9 hours. 

Can you do an overnight shift at 16 in Walmart? 

Maybe not, it depends on the store manager. If they let you work overnight then you can work.

Can you be a manager at 16 in Walmart? 

No, you cannot be a manager at 16 in Walmart. The manager is a job that comes with great responsibilities and requires certain educational qualifications that a 16 years old can not do.