Walmart takes shoplifting very seriously to help avert this practice. These range from making cases against shoplifters stealing more than 25$ worth of merchandise to accusing them of a class 6 felony which has a jail term of up to 5 years to a class 5 felony which has a jail time of up to 10 years! Also, Walmart keeps a private database of repeat offenders to identify them right away. It also bans all shoplifters for life from all Walmart stores all across the United States. They can never come back to Walmart ever again in their lifetime if they are caught shoplifting!

The Basic Idea of Morality

The basic idea is that stealing is an immoral act and must never be indulged into. Stealing is an act of cheating the other side by taking from it part of its possessions, unlawfully, without consent, and without exchanging it for money in a fair transaction. This is what brings a bad name and shame to the person involved if he is caught stealing like many at Walmart have been caught red-handed shoplifting from its stores, on-camera. So, the basic idea is that this act is unlawful and looked down upon by society, religion, and law, as it can lead to imprisonment and fines. 

Does Walmart Build Cases on Shoplifters?

Absolutely. Walmart build cases on shoplifters if they fall into the relevant category. Any theft up to 25$ is such that Walmart asks the shoplifter to return the items, and leave the store ASAP. However, Walmart does not press charges against the shoplifter, although it does keep a record of him like his face-image, in its shoplifting-related database. How about if the theft is higher? If the amount of the theft ranges in-between 1000-2000$, then that is considered a Class 6 felony while above 2000$ is classified as a Class 5 felony. A Class 6 felony can get the shoplifter a jail term of 1-5 years in jail. However, with a Class 5 felony, an offender gets a jail time of up to 10 years. So yes, Walmart builds serious cases on Shoplifters as of the year 2022.

What Does Walmart do to Prevent Theft?

The main action that Walmart has taken to prevent theft and to help keep a close, watchful eye on shoplifters is by hiring Loss Prevention Associates. These are people who are supposed to keep vigilance in Walmart stores to ensure that theft of goods does not take place. They roam around stores in plain clothing to be mistaken as customers by potential shoplifters, to see if there are shoplifters around. They take immediate action if they find a shoplifter in the store and deal with him according to Walmart SOPs.

Does Walmart Call the Police?

For sure. Walmart calls in on the cops if it finds someone shoplifting at its stores. The CCTV footage of shoplifting at Walmart is shown to the Police. The person who has been caught needs to get a lawyer for himself to defend him in court in such a case. If the person thinks that he has been wrongly accused then he must keep his cool and still get a lawyer so that he can prove his innocence in court. 

Does Walmart Take Any Other Action?

Walmart takes very strict action against the shoplifters it has caught in its stores. This action includes barring all shoplifters from entering any of its stores across the US ever again in their lives. So it imposes a lifetime ban on shoplifters and saves their data so they should be recognized if they try to enter its stores ever again or do something similar. The company is very strict when it comes to dealing with shoplifters which is what is apparent from its actions. It seems like it looks down upon shoplifters with disgust, so chooses to put a lifetime ban on their entry into Walmart ever again. What’s more is that this ban cannot be appealed against which means that once into effect, it will stay into-effect for a shoplifter for the rest of his life. This clearly depicts the frustration of Walmart towards shoplifters. 

The conclusion is that Walmart is very strict when it comes to dealing with shoplifters who have been caught red-handed shoplifting. The company builds cases against theft of a class 6 or a class 5 felony, and calls the police in on shoplifters. Plus, Walmart imposes a lifetime ban on shoplifters who have been caught trying to steal from Walmart. So a very strict approach against shoplifting is what is to be expected from Walmart, which leads to one clear-cut conclusion: Honesty is the Best Policy at Walmart!

1-What are the number of shoplifters caught shoplifting at Walmart stores on average each year?

2-What is the minimum number of shoplifting cases reported by Walmart to the Police in the year 2022?

3- Does Walmart have a review policy for people accused of shoplifting if, in the end, it turns out that they were wrongly accused of shoplifting?