However, most of you are reading this article because you want to find out more about whether Walmart does tire balancing and things like how much it costs or how long it takes to get it done. It is a fairly simple process, but it does take time to execute. For anyone new to the world of auto care, Walmart has you covered. As an added benefit, this article will walk you through the process and tell you why you should consider bringing your car in for a checkup.

How Long Does it usually take?

Generally speaking, it takes 40 min to 2 hours to have your tires balanced. The time varies depending on several factors; how busy the auto care center is on a particular day, the kind of condition your tires are in, how long you have had them, and how many tires need to be balanced.

So, they can never give you an exact time frame for how long it will take and there are never any guarantees that the process will be quick. However, the newer the tires or the better the condition they are in, the less time it takes to get them balanced. Naturally, if you are looking to get this done, you should be prepared for a bit of a wait.

You can save yourself a lot of time and effort if you book a position in advance, before bringing in your car.

How much does it cost?

The cost depends on the package you decide to go with. Tire balancing comes included in some of them. Fortunately, the price difference between each of them is not drastic. 

Like the lifetime balance/rotation package. Walmart handles balancing the rubber rings around your tires and fixes rotation issues at $14 a tire. The package lasts for as long as your tires are still usable and they fix them up periodically at no cost.

There is also the basic tire installation package. For $15 per tire, Walmart covers everything from balancing to rotation to mounting and installation. For anyone looking to save money, Walmart charges less if you decide to buy rubber rings from their stores. 

You can spring from the value tire installation package. It is only available to regular customers online and offline. The package comes at $25, including features from the basic tire installation package and a warranty for road hazards.

Where do I get my tires balanced?

Most Walmart stores come with an auto care center where you can address your vehicular needs, they all come with tire balancing services and if you do not know about making the trip to check, you can do so online. When you do decide to go, simply drive your car into a servicing station to get started.

If you are getting a new set of tires, Walmart even handles the disposal of the old ones at no extra fee. Walmart works with companies to recycle old tires and convert them into products that can be sold by retailers.

Can I balance tires from other stores?

This also depends on the package you decide to go with. With the lifetime balance and rotation pack, they balance any kind of tire free of charge. 

With the basic package, there is a small fee for tires not bought from Walmart stores. The value tire installation pack only provides a warranty for tires brought from Walmart. As such, any tires bought from other stores do not qualify for the package.

When is the best time to get my tires looked at?

Something might be wrong when you notice vibrations in your steering or the back seat. Worn tires cause imbalances that cause wobbling and vibrations in the wheel. Those are a good sign that it is probably time to take your car in for balancing. 

Generally, you would also want to take your car in for balancing when:

When you get a new set of tires. When you fix a flat. During regular servicing periods. When bits of your worn tires start to fall off. After you have driven a certain number of miles.  


Walmart tries to make picking tires out an easy process for you. For anyone new to auto care, it can be a confusing process. However, Walmart offers several deals and offers to take you through the process while you sit back and relax.

The Walmart auto care centers cover all your auto care needs including tire balancing. At the end of the day, if you do decide to go, choose Walmart for your servicing needs. You will want to take full advantage of their offers and packages.