Does Walgreen’s Accept EBT Food stamps?

  Food stamps are accepted in Walgreen’s, but not in all its stores, and EBT is used as a payment method also in some Walgreen’s stores because not all stores accept it, some state laws affect if the stores in that state will be EBT approved or not. Food stamps and EBT are accepted in Walgreen’s stores that are SNAP-approved. To know if a Walgreen’s store close to you is SNAP approved, you will have to contact them and ask if they are EBT retailers. Otherwise, you will not be able to use your EBT card and food stamps to pay for items bought at non-EBT-approved Walgreen’s retailers.

Food stamps and EBT are use to purchase items at Walgreens, but this benefit is not exclusive to all products at Walgreen’s stores. It is only used to purchase limited eligible food items approved by SNAP. Also some food items cannot be purchased using EBT cards and food.

List Of SNAP Eligible Foods Items At Walgreen’s

Frozen, canned, and fresh foods. Snacks and non-alcoholic drinks. Fruits and vegetables. Dairy products. Seed-producing foods and products. Cooking oils. Poultry products.

  Walgreen’s is primarily a drug store, so some of these items may not always be available, so you are advised to always enquire from the store, before heading out.

List of SNAP Ineligible Food Items At Walgreen’s

Alcohol and tobacco productsPrepared food and hot foodVitamins and medicinePet food and suppliesPaper and cleaning products

  There are however cases where one may be permitted to use their food stamps and e5bt cards to buy prepared foods and hot food, many states accept this, and this is available in stores that use Restaurant Meals Programs (RMP), to assist the homeless, elderly and people with disabilities.

  This list above shows that food stamps and cards can only be used to buy certain good items that can be used to help those these benefits are made for. And also so that people will not abuse them.

How To Use EBT Card At Walgreen’s

  EBT cards are just like debit cards, they are very easy and simple to use. But for those using it for the first time, here are the steps to follow;

Swipe your EBT cards at the point of service (POS) desk. Enter your pin, it is usually a four-digit PIN. Check the purchase amount before approving it. Go through rrvepts6aftrr payments to ensure that you paid for the right items. If you still have trouble sorting out how to make payments with your EBT card at Walgreen’s, ask staff for assistance. Places EBT Cards Cannot Be Used

  EBT cards are accepted in various grocery, retail, and pharmacy stores, but there are some stores and places you cannot use your EBT cards and food stamps.

CasinoAdult Entertainment BusinessNightclubs / Saloon / TavernsTattoo/ Piercing shopsSpa / Massage salonsRace tracksCruise ships


  You can use your food stamps and EBT cards to purchase items from Walgreen’s stores, as far as they are SNAP-eligible products and the stores are EBT approved. Not all Walgreen’s stores are EBT retailers, so it is good to find the stores where you can use your EBT cards in. And you can do this by using Walgreen’s store finder to get answers so that you can ask them upfront before heading to the stores. Also, these eligible items are not always available at Walgreen’s stores, especially perishable items, so it is good to have other options around you that are EBT approved, just to be on the safe side.

What Other Method Of Payment Does Walgreen’s Accept?

Walgreen’s does not only use ebt cards to make payments in its stores, you can also your other payment methods like;

Debit or credit cards issued by Visa, MasterCard, Discover Network, or American Express. PayPal and PayPal creditCashChecksGift cardsCorc creditApple PayGoogle Pay

Can I Return Food Bought With Ebt Card At Walgreen’s?

Yes, food or items bought with an ebt card within 30 days at Walgreens stores can be returned for a refund or exchange. However, you are required to bring and present a valid photo ID, US state ID, US driver’s license, or US military ID.

Can I Buy Food Items Online With My Ebt Card At Walgreen’s?

Not yet, Walgreen’s for now only accepts the use of EBT cards at stores. Only stores participating in USDA’s EBT Pilot Program can provide such services. Walgreens is yet to participate.

Can Another Person Use My EBT Card?

Yes, EBT card is just like debits cards, once a person has access to your pin and card, such an individual can use it. Also in cases like the elderly and people with disabilities, they need people to help them use their benefits to purchase items, these people are called authorized representatives.