Even though Verizon and Sprint operate under the same radio network which makes the devices between the two compatible, Verizon does not own Sprint. Sprint is owned by its parent organizations T-Mobile US and the SoftBank Group. Verizon is also owned by its parent company which is called Verizon communications. 

Price Comparison Between Verizon And Sprint

When comparing the prices between Verizon and Sprint, Sprint seems to have cheaper and more affordable prices. Among the four major cell carriers, Sprint has the lowest prices whereas Verizon has the highest. Price is the biggest perk for choosing Sprint, its unlimited plan stands firm at $10. When you take the rate of network performance and plan perks into consideration, Verizon’s plan also starts to seem reasonable. In the past, Sprint’s services weren’t the best however they have gotten much better over the past few years. Still, Verizon’s services remain at the top tier and are definitely worth the extra cost.

Plan Comparison

The plan structure of Sprint and Verizon are unique in their ways. Prepaid and postpaid plans with distinctive data allotment and perks are offered with Verizon whereas Sprint virtually does not offer prepaid plans and exclusive provides its users with unlimited data plans. 

There are a few consistent things that Sprint and Verizon provide when it comes to their unlimited plans.

-Streaming content will be better with Verizon.

-Coverage will be better with Verizon.

-The cheaper option will always be Sprint.

When it comes to limited data plans Sprint has only one option for its users which is Sprint Single Line 2 GB plan. Verizon offers a few more limited plans however you can expect to get a good deal with both the companies, Verizon will provide you with better coverage and speed but Sprint will be the cheaper option. If you don’t use a lot of data in a month then a limited plan is perfect for you.

Coverage And Speed

Verizon is the easy choice for you if fast speeds across the country and reliable coverage are what you are looking for, it has a wider coverage and better speeds than not only Sprint but everyone else. Every study regarding these factors has seen Verizon perform brilliantly and beat all the other service providers, hence, it doesn’t matter if you are in your house or the woods, with Verizon you will receive great coverage. Sprint too works well in heavily populated areas like cities but the coverage can drop if you plan on venturing out into the country. Sprint’s speeds have been lower than Verizon and the other top three service providers in the country. If you are the one to stay in the city and you want an affordable price then Sprint is the service provider you should stick to.

Special Features

Even though Sprint is not as good as Verizon when it comes to speed and coverage, it does have many more special features than Verizon. The perks that you can receive with Sprint are.

-You will receive free access to Hulu limited on your phone.

-International data and texting in over 100 countries are included.

Verizon does not offer such a special feature however it does provide its users with Verizon Fios Home Internet service which includes a good internet bundling deal.


How can one transfer their number from Verizon to another service provider?

When a new line is activated with Verizon you will get an option to transfer your current mobile number to your new carrier. You can also use the switch to the Verizon website to transfer your phone number.

Does Sprint lock its devices?

Yes, Sprint does lock its devices to the network, users cannot simply change their SIM cards, similar to other carriers.