- But there is a condition to enjoy unemployment insurance. According to government norms – ‘A person must have lost their job through no fault of theirs, is able and available to work and actively seeking employment and must have at least a certain amount of money during their base period before become unemployed.
BRIEF – Opps have you lost your job? It may be useful to look into these schemes that provide unemployment benefits when you are unemployed. Throughout this article, we will discuss your eligibility to receive unemployment benefits, government policy for such a condition, what all you need to know, what to pay attention to during such a policy and how to apply for unemployment benefits.
How Unemployment Debit Card Works?
Generally, the state unemployment office has the authority to issue debit cards to its consumers. Upon applying for unemployment compensation, you will be given either a debit card, issued by the state government or a check directly deposited into your bank account if you are still employed. The payment card will be issued to you once your claim is approved.
Once you have signed up for benefits, your card will be mailed to you. Once you receive your debit card you must proceed with the normal procedure of setting up the PIN.
Once you are done with the procedure of setting up the PIN, you will receive payment on a weekly or biweekly basis.
According to the state unemployment department, there are some requirements that you should satisfy to be eligible for unemployment benefits you should satisfy all the eligibility requirements then only you will be allowed to apply and get certified for the benefit.
Following are the criteria which you should satisfy while applying for benefit of this scheme;
You should be partially unemployed. You should have a decent bank balance or bank history. You should be physically fit. If needed you should be ready for work immediately.
What exactly does partial employment mean?
Basically, in this section, we will concentrate on WBA which is the weekly benefit amount.
According to the definition, WBA is the amount of money paid for each week that you are found eligible to receive unemployment benefits.
So, Partial Employment means that a person during the whole week working at a particular place who has no earning or earning less than the weekly benefit amount can be considered eligible for this scheme.
Another important condition is to have a decent bank balance. So why is it important to have a decent bank balance? This scheme is generally for those workers who are due to some reason left unemployed, but worked under some firm before. to avail the benefit of such schemes it is important for a person to have a decent work history and prior experience of work.
Not everyone is eligible for unemployment benefits. There may be certain complications where you will not receive any compensation from the state. The following could be the reason for the same;
You were fired from your job for any misconduct. You quit your old job without any valid reason or prior information. If you are dissatisfied or if you have been involved in any illegal dispute, harassment of another employee, or anything else unbearable. if you are self-employed then also you are not eligible for the same.
How to be aware of frauds;
Sometimes illiterate or ignorant people are deceived by other officials because of a lack of information. They generally misinterpret the procedure and complicate it in their head, as result they take assistance from some other intermediates present out there, which in return increase their chances of being deceived. so here are some points you should know before you take assistance from some intermediates;
There is no paper check transaction required, Bank seamlessly transfers money directly to your registered account. There is no different procedure to access the money from your debit card, you must opt for the old classic procedure. There is no extra charge for the benefits you avail, there is no extra duty.
PRADHAN MANTRI ROZGAR YOJANA(PMRY) has been designed to encourage the higher authority to generate new employment under their work field, where the government of India will be paying full employer contribution. This scheme has two benefits one is that there would be the generation of more and more jobs and the other is many workers will get the privilege to work and can contribute to the mainstream economy.
To conclude Unemployment does accept prepaid cards. As stated, the unemployment benefits program plays an important role by supporting unemployed workers at their depletion time by helping them not to exhaust their assets.
Unemployment benefits have a positive effect on the families of workers with few or no assets by providing them financial assistance, but on the downside, these programs encourage workers to reduce their search for new employment.
By limiting and extending the duration of incentives given to the workers, the negative effects of benefits can be sufficiently balanced so that the workers’ motivation to find jobs remains high.
Frequently asked questions
1–Can you get a credit card to avail the benefits of unemployment benefits?
Yes, you can get the benefits of a credit card if you were employed and are currently unemployed. But this time it comes with some limitations.
2- What happens if you put unemployment on a credit card?
Being unemployed does not automatically disqualify you from getting a credit card. They look for your credit scores and existing debt. Considering the past transition history you get to qualify for your credit card availment.