Does Twitter Delete Inactive Accounts or Not?
Twitter can only delete an account only once the account has been deactivated. Leaving your account inactive for a prolonged amount of time can lead to Twitter removing the account. However logging back on would deem your Twitter account active. Not engaging on the social media platform can make the account inactive as will be indicated below.
Indicators That Can Deem Twitter Delete Inactive Accounts?:
Step 1 Not logging on for an extended period of time mainly 6 months
Step 2 Not engaging with the platform through “liking”
Step 3 Not retweeting
Step 4 Not replying
Step 5 Not posting
Twitter Policy
Once your Twitter account is seen as being inactive according to the “Twitter policy” it can lead to Twitter removing it. This is solely based on the fact that Twitter would like to remove all inactive accounts and make space for new data such as new accounts.
Which can open up Twitter’s data and allow for usernames to be recycled. As known Twitter does require a username in order to create your profile and to login with. Which is a considerable problem when multiple users have or desire the same username.
Active Accounts
However there is a leeway to ensure your account does not appear as inactive. By ensuring that you remain active on your Twitter account can keep your account safe from being removed. People at times can feel that Twitter can be very time consuming and damaging to oneself on many different levels.
Based on some studies staying away or taking a break from your social media platforms can aid in increased self- confidence, lessen stress and improve mental health to an extent. Due to there being harmful and hateful speech, internet trolls and privacy issues, Twitter can become unpleasant for a user.
This action of removing inactive Twitter accounts helps to manage the social media platform with greater efficiency. Allowing for better upgrades and use for you as the account holder. Leading to more innovative and security policies being put in place.
As mentioned above Twitter being a social media platform makes it vulnerable to internet trolls and harmful content unfortunately. As any platform it has the duty to “protect and uphold freedom of speech that is not harmful” or offensive to others. This can contribute to accurate management of the platform so that everyone on it is respected.
Why Would You Want Twitter To Delete Your Inactive Account?
Most of the time social media platforms can be exhausting, Twitter not being excluded. Which would make the desire to take time off great and refreshing. So much so that you might not want to go back to Twitter. Since we can find ourselves getting lost in the world of social media trends and challenges, which has opened the doors to unrealistic and toxic standards right in the palm of our hands. This honestly prompts the need to put your self-care first by deactivating your inactive Twitter account and having it deleted.
Benefits Of Keeping Your Twitter Account Active?
Mainly being able to interact with a variety of diverse individuals who have access to Twitter, through following and even chatting via the DM’s. This form of interaction goes even further as you can interact with your favourite celebrities through Twitter.
More so help with advertising and marketing your business or brand to the vast population who use Twitter. Not to mention you can meet potential sponsors and connections.
It is possible to have Twitter remove an inactive account based on the Twitter policy. However it would require a certain amount of reasons to lead to such a measure to be taken. By being active on your Twitter account that action can be avoided. Should you as an account user feel you want to have your account deleted you can follow the necessary steps to deactivating it.
1)Would deleting a Twitter account be the same as deactivating?
No, deactivating a Twitter account is to indicate that the account should be removed permanently.
- How long would it take to deactivate a Twitter account?
It would take up to 30 days once the necessary process of deactivation of the Twitter account has been completed.
- Can you access your Twitter account after its deactivated?
Yes, you are able to access your Twitter account after deactivating it. You would have to login on your account before 30 days have passed.