One such place where you can find a variety and good menu of tea and coffee to choose from are Starbucks. Providing their customers, with an end number and customized drinks Starbucks is one major stop for all caffeine and tea lovers. 

With providing a huge menu, Starbucks also has a secret menu to offer, which only a few know about. Have a look ahead to see what all they offer under their secret menu. 

Yes, if you did not know this till now, They does have a secret menu that they offer. This secret menu is absolutely spectacular.

There is no end to the delicious drinks they have to offer under their secret menu. These hidden gems of Starbucks are all Instagram-worthy and offer flavors league apart from their regular menu.

The hidden and secret menu offers from gem-colored refreshments to candy-inspired Frappuccino. This secret menu of theirs has almost 50 drinks to offer. 

While Starbucks has a huge menu to offer its customers. Here are the top 10 most popular drinks of theirs:

Iced White Chocolate MochaVanilla LatteCinnamon Roll Frappuccino Blended CoffeePumpkin Spice LatteHot ChocolateJava Chip FrappuccinoChai LatteGreen Tea Crème Frappuccino Blended CrèmeLemon Bar Crème Frappuccino Blended CrèmeCaramel Cocoa Cluster Frappuccino Blended Coffee

Price Range Of Drinks At Starbucks:

With a huge range of products to choose from, Starbuck also provided its customers to choose from four different sizes of drinks that they want. 

The four different sizes available at Starbucks in order of small to big respectively are Tall, Grande, Venti, and Trenta. Depending on which size and which drink you are ordering the cost depends on that. 

The cost of drinks at Starbucks ranges from the cheapest drink available at $2.75 to the most expensive drink being available at $20. 

Does Starbucks Have A Secret Menu?

Yes, Starbucks does have a secret menu that they offer. But like the name suggests this menu is secret and very few know about it. 

With more than 50 drinks in their menu, there is a specific way as well for ordering this menu when you walk into a Starbucks.

The way to order from the secret menu is as follows:

Start with ordering the base drink. Specify the substitutions you want. Ask for the additions available. And put it all together and place the order.  

What All Does The Secret Menu At Starbucks Consist Of?

With more than 50 drinks available on the secret menu, here are some of the drinks available on this menu at Starbucks:

Biscotti FrappuccinoBlackberry Cobbler FrappuccinoCap’n Crunch FrappuccinoSkittles FrappuccinoPink DrinkCake Batter FrappuccinoPurple DrinkHarry Potter inspired Butterbeer FrappuccinoApple Pie FrappuccinoCotton Candy FrappuccinoCookies and Cream FrappuccinoChocolate DalmatianNutella DrinkLiquid CocaineFerrero Rocher FrappuccinoPeach Ring TeaNutter Butter FrappuccinoCaramel Snickerdoodle MacchiatoCadbury Crème Egg FrappuccinoRainbow Sorbet FrappuccinoRed Velvet FrappuccinoBanana SplitBlue DrinkMermaid FrappuccinoDragon FrappuccinoChunky Monkey FrappuccinoS’mores Hot ChocolatePumpkin Cheesecake FrappuccinoDole Whip Frappuccino


Guess the secret is out. With the secret menu of Starbucks not being a secret anymore, the next time you visit it, don’t forget to try something from there. With more than 50 options, the secret menu has a lot to offer, providing the customers with new, innovative, and yummy drinks, their secret menu is completely worth a try. So, do remember to order from the menu the next time you visit Starbucks.

Can I order from the secret menu at any Starbucks?

Yes, you can order the secret menu at any Starbucks.

Do the baristas working at Starbucks know about the secret menu?

Yes, all the baristas working at Starbucks know about the secret menu and they know about it quite well, which is why they can go off-book and provide people with customized options. 

Does Starbucks really let you order from their secret menu if you know about it?

Yes, Starbucks lets you order from the secret menu. Do not get intimidated while ordering from the secret menu the baristas working there are you really happy to make the things out of this menu.

Can I customize a drink at Starbucks according to myself?

Yes, you can get a Starbucks drink customized according to your taste buds.