But the main question here is does Stanley Steemer clean Cat Urine?
Absolutely. The first step is to use a white towel to absorb the urine from your carpet. Use a white towel to prevent any stain from transferring from the towel to the carpet. The Second Step is to spray the Stanley Steemer spot remover on the stained area. Let the stain remover soak in for 2 – 4 hours, then bloat the area from outside to inside. Thirdly, flush the area of the pet stain with water as you absorb the excess liquid with a towel. Repeat this last step. Every time you soak up the towel You’ll see how much of the urine has been removed.
If the carpet has already been set, consider hiring Stanley Steemer cleaners to help you out. You can call 1-800-STEEMER or go to stanleysteemer.com and schedule an appointment. Stanley Steemer professionals will remove more than 99% of the cat urine odor from your carpet. Stanley Steemer’s cleaners can also eliminate bacteria that may also be found in the cat urine. However, keep in mind that using steam cleaners is not the best way to remove odor from your carpet because the heat will permanently stain the odor which happens by bonding the proteins into your carpet. Additionally, avoid using Ammonia and Vinegar as cleaning chemicals.
What we will be discussing further
How to get the Urine Odor off the carpet?
If the cat urine odor is not too stubborn all you need to do is use the Stanley Steemer product known as Stanley Steemer odor out plus. It has been made from a natural enzyme to eliminate the foul smell. Shake the odor plus well before Spraying it on the cat stain. After spraying, use a clean white towel to rub the liquid spray into the carpet fibers. Finally, keep the area dump by pressing it with a moistened towel over the stain for 24 hrs.
After getting rid of the odor if your carpets still have a lingering discoloration, Use the Red wine spot remover to get rid of the discoloration. Use the same steps as the odor out plus but leave the Red wine spot remover for 5 to 10 minutes instead.
How do you help your cat to stop peeing on the carpet?
Check if there have been any changes in your home recently making your cat pee on your carpet. check if they have enough resources around for instance having a comfortable bed and different places to hide. ensure that the food and water bowls are accessible and away from other pets. ensure that the tray is clean regularly and it is large enough. and sure you avoid strongly-scented cleaners because cats are sensitive to smells To figure out the spot that your cat prefers, put a good number of litter boxes around the house. Ensure your cat sticks to a routine that includes playtime regularly if you are traveling or going on holiday for some time, leave one of your clothing on the bed. This reminds your cat that you will be back soon. Punishing your cat for peeing on the carpet will make the problem worse because it makes them more active. therefore avoid punishing your cat. Once you have cleaned up your carpet, try moving the litter tray to the spot that they urinated on. Your cat may feel safer in this area. You can also visit Robert to rule out any infection or start treatment for your cat as soon as possible.
As we have discussed, Stanley Steemer is ready to help you clean up cat urine using the Stanley Steemer spot remover, and the Stanley Steemer Odor Out Plus. If the spot or odor persists, call Stanley Steemer to help you clean the urine stain on your carpet. Always remember to clean the spot area as soon as possible. It is also important to understand why your cat is peeing on your carpet for you to find a solution. Use the tips provided as a guide.
How long does a cat’s urine smell?
Cat urine can last in carpets and wood for years! It contains uric acid which makes it smell. It is advisable to use the right chemicals to remove the cat odor. If you use chemicals that temporarily neutralize the odor on a humid day the uric acid can recrystallize and the cat urine odor will be back again.
Do cats pee outside the cat box intentionally?
No, they do not. When cats begin to urinate outside the box it’s a sign that something is wrong with them or it could be due to a change in their environment. Your cat could additionally have a medical condition, stress, anxiety due to relocation, or having a visitor in the house.
Can bleach be used to clean up cat urine?
No. When chlorine bleach is mixed with ammonia from the cat urine it creates a toxic gas that is very harmful to human beings. Further in large amounts, the toxic gas could be deadly.